

Leader of new life

Mid-year summary conference of year 2016 & sharing session of Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong was held smoothly

Source:兆胜科技 Hits: 2016-07-16


Mid-year summary ★Feeling-sharing

      On July 10, 2016, Jiangsu Josun Science & Technology Co., Ltd. held mid-year summary conference of year 2016 & sharing session of Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong in meeting room of the reception hall. All intermediate and senior management staff, staff of various functional departments and section chiefs and group leaders of the workshop were present at the meeting. The meeting agenda was divided into mid-year summary of various departments, work report of the first half year by the General Manager, sharing and communication of feelings after reading the Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong, and summary speech of the General Manager.。   

Looking back to the past ★ Looking forward to the future

Efforts , perseverance, struggling, innovation

   To summarize production and operation condition of the first half of the year, deploy work of the latter half of the year, analyze the existing problems, formulate practical rectification measures, strengthen the confidence, inspire the morale, and mobilize all staff to maintain high-spirited fighting will, excellent way of work and lofty sentiment for victory, so as to fully ensure realization of annual targets.

Department report ★Problem summary

   First of all, Zhu Bo, deputy general manager of the marketing center, reported the marketing work condition of the company in the first half of the year.

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    Through contrast analysis of various data, deputy general manager Zhu displayed accomplishment condition of various operating indicators as well as the problems existing in the work in the first half of the year, and plans of various indicators ought to be accomplished in the latter half of the year. Deputy general manager Zhu pointed out that, the marketing department has generally accomplished various tasks assigned by the company in the first half of the year, and in the work of the latter half of the year, on one hand, we should enhance the executive ability and establish an excellent sales team; on the other hand, we should develop new customers based on the current resources, struggle to seek for new economic growth point, and ensure constant enhancement and development of the product market of the company.

    Later, Xu Lanhua, deputy general manager of administration, reported work condition of the administration center of the company in the first half of the year.

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        In the first half of the year, under direct leadership of the general manager and under vigorous cooperation of various departments, closely centered on annual work objective of the company, the administration center actively organized the belonging staff to conduct solid work, and accomplished various work tasks assigned by the company excellently. Deputy general manager Xu pointed out that, as for key points of the work in the latter half of the year, on one hand, we should further perfect the system, procedure and regulation according to management theory of the company, and make resolute and strict execution, so as to improve the enterprise management quality fundamentally; on the other hand, we should establish an innovative mechanism, so as to achieve breakthrough with innovation and achieve development with innovation.

         In the middle part of the meeting, principals of various departments made summary of their department work.


        Various departments made an objective summary of their own department work condition and existing problems in the first half of the year, analyzed the reasons for the problems, and proposed many reasonable suggestions and advices toward work in the latter half of the year. They have reached a consensus in production organization, strategic planning, design development, brand construction, cost control and other aspect, and expressed that they would overcome all difficulties and struggle to achieve greater improvement.

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       After presentation of various departments, the general manager made comments on accomplishment condition of work and general target tasks in the first half of the year, and made full affirmation of work reports of various departments, and at the same time, he also seriously pointed out the problems existing in work of various departments as well as projects needing urgent improvement.

General manager Qian Zerong made report of the first half of the year

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           The general manager pointed out that, this year was a crucial one for development of Josun Science & Technology. Under the adverse circumstance of increase of downward pressure of the big economic environment, all the company staff must firm the confidence, strengthen the willpower, have the return-to-zero resolution, further free the mind, do things from myself and from now on, innovate the thinking, brave all difficulties, dare to confront challenges, and conduct various work creatively. The several points below should be well done in emphasis:

           1. Executing differentiation strategy: to realize real differentiation in cost, price, quality, outlook and performance, design and technical process, marketing strategy and service, product structure, enterprise image and other aspects. Differentiation strategy is a must for victory of Josun at present and in the future;
         2. Dedicating to “five vigorous grasps”: to vigorously grasp the product quality, and establish a “military police” of quality; to vigorously grasp technical innovation. The strategic development department shall be responsible for formulating technical innovation method as well as detailed organization and implementation; to vigorously grasp reduction of cost and consumption. Deputy general manager of administration, Xu Lanhua, shall be responsible for formulating detailed management method for reduction of cost and consumption, as well as detailed organization and implementation; to vigorously grasp project development. The strategic development department shall conduct project development according to overall strategic thought of the company, and struggle to achieve quickness, steadiness and accuracy in the project development; to vigorously grasp construction of systems and procedures, and struggle to achieve standardization and institutionalization of enterprise management.
        3. Highlighting “one emphasis”: to put emphasis on cultural construction of enterprise as well as loyalty, thanksgiving, honesty and good faith and responsibility-undertaking.

Sharing session of Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong


     Zhu Jianghong is a successful entrepreneur starting from a grass root. He led “Gree” to become a widely-known world brand, and his enterprising spirit and persevering willpower worth our learning. The general manager, Mr. Qian Zerong, initiated a reading and learning activity of the autobiography of Zhu Jianghong. All second-line functional officials of Josun Science & Technology carefully read the Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong, and shared their respective feelings after the learning. The after-reading feelings that they wrote in combination with their own positions have deeply impressed the meeting participants. All the meeting participants expressed in consensus that through learning the Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong, they would further innovate the thinking, center on science and technology, fully exert the giant impetus of talents to enterprise revitalization, enhance the management basis, constantly improve core competitiveness of the enterprise, and promote healthy and quick development of the enterprise.

Summary speech of the general manager

        General Manager Qian made full affirmation of the reading and learning activity of the Autobiography of Zhu Jianghong organized by the company, as well as the feelings shared by the participants and their attitude and enthusiasm in learning. General Manager Qian deemed that Zhu Jianghong spirit was required for survival and development of Josun Science & Technology, namely “supporting the truth and braving the difficulties, being practical and realistic, hardworking and enterprising, unity and struggling, quality first, scientific and technological innovation…” and other humanity glory and personality power displayed by Zhu Jianghong deserved respect and learning of each Josun people. General manager Qian sincerely expected that all the staff could make a careful contrast with Zhu Jianghong spirit on their own positions, further free the mind, dare to make innovations, equip themselves with real talents, overcome the difficulties, constantly open a new situation for various scientific and technological work, and write a new chapter for development of Josun Science & Technology with Josun spirit.



Sweep, attention

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